4 Inexpensive & Creative Brand Building Tips

For the small business owner, marketing can exhaust our time and resources as well as our finances. But what if I were to tell you that building your brand can be fun & inexpensive?

I worked at New Belgium Brewing for many years. I learned just how important a brand is. I also learned creativity in branding our company. Community service and collaborations were common activities at the brewery. Everyone who worked at NBB in some way, participated in these branding exercises at one time or another.

So, without further adieu, here are the ideas I wish to share with you today:

Brand Building Using Community Involvement

Not only do you build your brand with community involvement, you also build trust. Additionally, you get the opportunity to improve your neighborhood.

In 1995, Bob Selleck, his three sons, and their family business, Selleck Properties, partnered with the Voit Cos. They planned a rebirth of the vacant, 68-acre GM site. This was expected to cost $75 million to $100 million.

Their hope:

They had hoped to turn a hole in the ground into a bustling shopping center with big retail stores, maybe Home Depot, Toys R Us, a supermarket, movie-theater complex and restaurants, plus industrial space for small and medium-sized manufacturing firms. Possibly help jump-start the Valley’s economy by providing a couple of thousand jobs.

The area around the GM site was crime-ridden, but Tom Selleck remembered that neighborhood when it was nicer. “Maybe we can change some of the personality of the neighborhood,” he said. “We’re not in business just for civic purposes. But the Valley is where we grew up, and with all of Dad’s experience in the Valley, it seemed a good fit.” [1]

Today, the shopping center still stands in all it’s glory!

But maybe you don’t have a few million to invest in your community. Why not volunteer your services to a local cause? If you have employees, offer to give them an extra 1/2 vacation day for every full day of volunteering. You can of course, set a limit.

Community involvement/service is also another way to network with other business owners who volunteer as well.

Next year, I plan to offer my Yoga instruction to the local girls running for Harvest Queen. The Harvest Festival is the biggest event in our community. So, it doesn’t always have to be my business skills I am donating.

We are indeed talented in other areas. Therefore, use whatever expertise you have to represent.

Brand Building Using Direct Mail

  • Direct mail is not dead. So says Neil Patel
  • Did you know that direct mail has a 29% Median ROI
  • It further enhances your digital marketing,
  • You can target your ideal client well enough to make it worth your time and money.
  • Affects the visual and physical touch senses.

“Having touch as part of the marketing experience helps shift the brain into a deeper level of engagement while building knowledge, SAPPI. Consumers understand and remember what they read on paper better than what they read on a screen” [2]

Brand Building Using Cross promotions

Want to reach your market efficiently & memorably? Partner up with other like-minded businesses who share your target market with the right offers and services.

Stand out from the competition in a crowded advertising marketplace, by using this nimble approach to “out-market” larger competitors. Henceforth, you will have another tool in your marketing belt!

Types of Cross Promotions

“Cross-promotions may include “bundled” offerings, joint media appearances and events, and cause-related marketing. It might also include collaboratively produced how-to’s and other resource e-booklets and videos, co-branding, co-op advertising, and shared space.” [3]

Brand Building Using Promotional products

These items do not have to break the bank. Here’s a list of my favorites:

  • Reading Glasses
    • These are a hot item right now. How many of us leave our reading glasses at home or in the car. Make an impact by having these available for potential clients
  • Reusable folding water bottles
    • Hydration is an essential need!
  • Lip balm
    • This is my favorite item to receive. Promotional and useful.

Well, there you have it. Do you have any creative brand building ideas? Please share in the comments below.

Are you ready to take your business to the next level? Click here to schedule a chat with e. Valdivia today!


  1. http://articles.latimes.com/1996-02-12/news/mn-35123_1_real-estate
  2. https://thedma.org/marketing-insights/marketing-statistics/direct-mail-statistics/
  3. https://www.thebalancesmb.com/attract-more-customers-through-cross-promotion-2947163

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